
Support Our Work
The Opportunity
After ten years of steady grassroots work, Growing Together is poised to propel solutions forward through connecting the dots between food justice, youth empowerment, economic opportunity, and community health to effect greater systems changes. Help us continue to build our programming, grow to meet the huge need for this work in our community, and work to advocate for kids and families across California!
Strengths: Strong ties to the community, longstanding relationships with partners across sectors, proven track record across projects, and the experience, passion, and skill of our team.
The Need
Our work is currently funded almost entirely by restricted government grants and through fee-for-service contracts with school districts. General operating support would provide the flexibility needed to more effectively leverage 1.9M in secured program funding, and allow GT to continue to innovate, and collaborate to amplify our incredible work.
Needs: Flexible funding that allows for responsive, innovative programming, integrating technology strategically to better serve our communities, organization strengthening, and support for new movement building work.

Your Donation
Your donation means so much to us!​
$50 ... supports 10 low cost CSA boxes to provide local farm fresh produce to our school families
$100 ... 2.5 hours of environmental education for K-12 students
$500 ... sponsor the planting of 20 fruit trees for a school campus or neighborhood fruit tree orchard.
$1,000 ... Purchase a set of garden tools and education supplies for a school garden.
$10,000 ... Build a new school garden at a new partner site
$25,000 - $50,000 ... Run a program at new partner site for a year (New schools approach us regularly, often with some small funding of their own. With between 25-50K we could launch new garden programs)
Any donation amount is welcomed and appreciated!
We are actively fundraising and welcome conversations for partnerships and larger philanthropic gifts. Click here for information on how to send a check or wire transfer.
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